Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Daily Declaration for Affirmation and Success

  • PLEDGE #1:  Today I begin a new life by replacing my bad habits with good ones, for I NOW know I can do all things through Jesus Christ who Strengthens me.

  • PLEDGE #2:  I have begun my new life by greeting each day with love in my heart because I am NOW transformed by the renewing of my mind.

  • PLEDGE #3:  I will persist until I succeed at my new life's growth, for I know that if I ask often enough it will be given to me, if I seek diligently I will find, if I knock with persistence all doors will be opened unto me.

  • PLEDGE #4:  I will reach my goals in life because I am God's greatest miracle, and greater is Jesus Christ that is in me than the evil that's in the world.

  • PLEDGE #5:  Therefore boldly I will live each day as if it were my last with the confidence that all things will work together for my good because I love God and I an called according to his purpose.

  • PLEDGE #6:  I will stay mindful that success requires that I must be a master of my emotions and this will be accomplished through my remembering that I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loves me.

  • PLEDGE #7:  Armed with my new life in Christ, the weapon of love, the force of persistence, the confidence of being God's greatest miracle, the freedom of living each day as if it were my last, and the discipline of being master of my emotions, I will laugh at the world, for I NOW know that if I submit myself unto God, and resist the devil, he will flee from me.

  • PLEDGE #8:  No longer will I be a slave to fear, pride, and doubt, but I will multiply my value one hundred fold and be a leader of men.  I will stay mindful to acknowledge God and He will direct path.

  • PLEDGE #9:  Acknowledging God puts my faith in to action, and I will act now, for I know that faith without works is dead.

  • PLEDGE #10:  To be a true success is a gift from God, therefore, I will remember to seek His guidance, and I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not until my own understanding.

A repost from Boss the Movement